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Monday, March 14, 2011


We all have those days when things just don't go right. We have those times when something or someone is taken from us. It's just part of life and we learn to deal with it. No one's immune to it and sometimes we feel like we are the only ones. Some people seem to have it worse than others and some people never get over their pains.
I was humbled the other day by someone I barely know but yet I feel closer to her than I am to people I see every day. Consider this, the next time you feel that life can't get any worse, just take a look around you and I will show you a dozen people that have felt your pain and much, much more. And yet you would never know it. You can't see it in their faces. You won't hear it in their voices. And you would never know it unless you ask them. They're pretty, they smile and they live life to the fullest. You might look at them and wonder how they can be so happy and maybe it's because they have felt a pain that you could never imagine. And maybe it's because of this pain that they know that ever moment of life is precious. That if you live in the past you will never enjoy the life that has so much joy and happiness waiting for you.
Well, I only know her from meeting on Face Book, but some day I hope to meet her face to face, someone who made me believe again. She's someone who had her world totally shattered, not once, but twice in her young life and her motivation for going on... two other young lives that needed her more now, than ever. And you would never know any of this unless she told you because she smiles, she loves and she embraces life with an enthusiasm that is so infectious it will make you smile, too.
ST this is for you. You are an inspiration to me. If everyone could just be a little bit like you, what a wonderful world it would be... but you already believe that it is anyway. I hope that one day I will be fortunate enough to meet you. Smile.

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